Andreana Eftimova
Prof. DSc. Andreana Eftimova teaches at Sofia University, where she graduated in Bulgarian Philology and Journalism at two of its faculties and then gradually developed as a lecturer (assistant, senior assistant, associate professor and professor) and as a researcher, obtaining the scientific and educational degree "Doctor" (2000) in the scientific field "General and Comparative Linguistics (Psycholinguistics)" and the scientific degree "Doctor of Science" (2016) in the scientific field "Public Communications and Information Sciences".
Prof. DSc. Eftimova teaches basic lecture courses in three of the majors of the Faculty of Languages and Communication, is the head of the Master's program "Traditional and Digital Publishing".
She is the author of 7 monographs and an associative dictionary, 3 book chapters, 18 textbooks and teaching aids, over 160 articles and studies. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of the journal. "She is the editor and editor-in-chief of Media and Language, which was established under the project of the National Research Institute at the University of Sofia. Prof. Eftimova is a member of national and international scientific organizations and a member of the editorial boards of prestigious national and foreign scientific journals such as Media of the 21st Century" (FJMK, Sofia), the Yearbook of the FJMK (FJMK, Sofia), "Zeszyty Prasoznawcze" (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland), "Nauchnyi Dialog" (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia), the series "Problems of Oral Communication" (St. Cyril and Methodius University of Transport, Veliko Tarnovo), "Zeszyty Łużyckie" (Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland).
Scientific interests
Медиалингвистика, медиастилистика, текстолингвистика, психо- и социолингвистика, семиотика, невербална комуникация
Ефтимова, Андреана. Регистри в журналистическия дискурс. София: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 2018. ISBN:978-954-07-4401-8
Ефтимова, Андреана. Двойственият език в медиите: езикът на политическата коректност vs езика на омразата София: Просвета, 2016. ISBN:978-954-01-3271-6
Ефтимова, Андреана. Медиен език и стил: теория и съвременни практики. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2014, 314 с. ISBN: 9789540737188
Ефтимова, Андреана. Есето в академичната и журналистическата практика. София: Фабер, 2011. ISBN:9789544005719
Ефтимова, Андреана. Невербалната комуникация: медии и медиатори. София: Сиела, 2011. ISBN:9789542809883
Ефтимова, Андреана. Винаги малко повече. Наречия за количество и време в обучението по български език като чужд, София: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 2010. ISBN:9789540731223
Ефтимова, Андреана. Ефективната невербална комуникация. София: Сиела, 2008. ISBN: 9789542802501
Български асоциативен речник. Прав и обратен. Съавтори: П. Балтова, А. Липовска, К. Петрова, София: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 2003, 150 с. ISBN 9540718899
Ефтимова, Андреана. Невербалната комуникация в телевизията: психолингвистична и семиотична перспектива. София: Сема - Р.Ш., 2002. ISBN:9789548021159;